Fairy Tail Origins: cookies were thrown

The Fairy Tail Origins series of Minecraft roleplays is a response to the Fairy Tail anime and manga. Its first three seasons had some story content but mostly consisted of gameplay on a Minecraft server. (I find it deathly boring and do not watch them.) In the fourth and fifth seasons, storytelling took over.

Season 5 might be the high point of the Origins series in terms of youtuber participation, with twenty-eight youtubers who posted online and twenty-seven other players all coming together to form intersecting storylines. It gets really confusing when three or more characters are on screen at the same time, because it’s often unclear which Minecraft figure is attached to which voice, and the characters speak in different volumes. But those moments when multiple players interact are amazing feats of coordination: players have to get together across multiple time zones and juggle their schedules around their work, school, or family responsibilities.

My introduction to the Origins series was Fairy Tail Origins Season 5, with Kay’s perspective. Kay, a shapeshifting wolf, is friendly to everyone she meets, throwing dozens of cookies at them whether they want cookies or not. She considers her guild leader, a cat, to be her pet — “pet” defined not as someone you own, but someone you take care of. Hence the throwing of cookies. She is oblivious to rudeness and befriends the character Viper, who keeps insulting her guild leader and friends.

My introduction to the Origins series was Fairy Tail Origins Season 5, with Kay’s perspective. Kay, a shapeshifting wolf, is friendly to everyone she meets, throwing dozens of cookies at them whether they want cookies or not. She considers her guild leader, a cat, to be her pet — “pet” defined not as someone you own, but someone you take care of. Hence the throwing of cookies. She is oblivious to rudeness and befriends the character Viper, who keeps insulting her guild leader and friends.

Viper arrives in season 5 as a tormented and grouchy character, trying to pay off a debt he incurred in season 4 as a villain. He is kind to Kay by order of both his guild leader and his seeing-eye snake, and she immediately falls in love. Many cookies are thrown. Their growing relationship is one part comedic, one part angst-ridden, and one part sweet.

By the time she wins him over, unfortunately for the both of them, he’s dragged into somebody else’s storyline and stuck in a world without magic for a while.

These things happen.

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